Wednesday 28 March 2018


Dear Younger Brother,
I know I am not perfect but being your elder brother I t is my responsibility
to guide you and make you acquainted with a right track to walk on.
I know you are very intelligent and clever boy
But you have to be careful of other illiterate people who don’t have morals
and etiquettes
Never do friendship with rude and bad mannered people
Be brave and face the every challenge with smiling face
Never become frustrated or disoriented in simple matters
Give smile to them, and tell them that you are not afraid of anything,
You know better how to tackle with them,
Changes, difficulties, hardships and tough time come in one’s life
Because they are the part of our life.
And never be afraid of change, because it is natural for change to occur
continuously in your life
But instead you have to adapt changes and enjoy the changes which
comes in your life
You are my dearest brother, younger brother, so I don’t want to see you in
any trap or in any difficulty
Now you are mature, and I think you are good at handling the home works,
So I am happy with you that you are playing an imperative role in our
And remember one thing that you have to become your own master and
You are the good student of yourself,
I love you ….Stay blessed…

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